PMN (ПМН)-4, Anti-Personnel Mine
PMN-4 without metal safety ring. Image from Reference 1.
The PMN-4 was designed in 1989, but not seen deployed until 1993. Compared to the PMN-2, the PMN-4 is smaller and lighter, but has a larger and more reliable pressure plate. (1)
Purpose and Use
The PMN-4 can be deployed subsurface, concealed under vegetation or snow, or surface-laid by simply placing or thrown from a vehicle. It is primarily designed to incapacitate personnel, and flatten the rubber tires of vehicles. (1)
A non-fragmentation-producing mine designed to target personnel with explosive blast effects. Most designs are deployed just below the surface of the ground. When a person steps on the mine, the explosive force follows the easiest path of resistance, upward into the victim, thus maximizing the energetic potential.
Мина ПМН-4 со скобой (model 1989-90): 1 – скоба (Bracket); 2 - хомут стальной (Steel Clamp); 3 - колпак резиновый (Rubber Cover). Image from Reference 3.
Images from Reference 1.
Externally, the PMN-4 consists of a reddish-brown plastic body with a black neoprene top that covers the pressure-plate. There is a metal bracket/safety clip around the body, with a wire “ripcord.”
Made with multiple metal components, modern metal detectors should get a strong signal when a PMN-4 is encountered.
Key Components
The body of the mine holds the main charge, pressure plate, fuzing mechanism, ripcord, delay mechanism, and detonator assembly.
Photograph provided by Dan Evers
Fuze Arming and Functioning
Arming the PMN-4 mine: The mine is fitted with a steel safety clamp, which is attached to a wire ripcord, which is in turn fixed to the fuze arming mechanism. Removal of the safety clamp causes the attached wire [ripcord] to rotate the fuze arming mechanism. This in turn releases a spring-loaded arming plunger within a viscous gel initiating the hydraulic delay mechanism that will arm the fuze. (2)
Images from Reference 4.
The arming delay is affected by temperature and can vary from approximately 1 to 40 minutes. (2)
Once armed, 5 to 10kg (11 to 22lbs) of pressure applied to the pressure plate moves a positive block, releasing a spring-loaded striker into the detonator.
*Note 1: The pressure plate is actuated when depressed at a set angle, which makes it resistant to many minefield breaching techniques and other environmental insults including ground movement, snow, water or when frozen in a block of ice and to overpressure minefield breaching techniques. (2)
*Note 2: The PMN-4 can be deployed with the MS-3, ML-7 and ML-8 anti-lift boobytrap devices.
Image from Reference 3
Устройство мины ПМН–4:
1 – корпус (Bracket) ; 2 – колпакрезиновый (Rubber Cover); 3 - зарядВВ (Main Charge); 4 – шток (Stem); 5 и 7 – пружины (Spring); 6 – крестовина (Cross/Pressure Plate); 8 и 9 - штокиМДВ (Rod); 10 – каучук (Rubber [Cover]); 11 - втулкаПИМ; 12 - крышка-чека; 13 - канатик; 14 - крышка
Safety Precautions
When working on a PNM-4, the following safety precautions must be adhered to:
High Explosives (HE)
Movement - The item is sensitive to movement. EOD technicians should familiarize themselves with the technical details of the item before conducting any actions!
Boobytrap - The item could be boobytrapped with anti-lift or similar devices!
*Note 3: The PMN-4 is a blast mine, but the “fragmentation” safety precaution is included due to the significant amount of metal in the fuzing components, and for secondary frag from materials in the environmental.
*Note 4: Assume a deployed PMN-4 is boobytrapped until proven otherwise. These landmines can be deployed with the MS-3, ML-7, ML-8 anti-lift devices, or other improvised boobytrap techniques.
(1) Russian Ministry of Defense. (1999). Ordnance and Munitions, The XXI Century Encyclopedia. Bulletpicker,LLC.
(2) Russian Ministry of Defense, Department of Engineering and Technical Security Equipment. (2017). Engineering Ammunition Guide.
(3) Глава V. Противопехотные мины, 5.1.5. Мина ПМН–4 Основные тактико-технические характеристики (Chapter V. Anti-personnel mines, 5.1.5. Mine PMN-4 Main performance characteristics)
(5) Russian Landmine Guide, which referenced EOD Publication 60H-35-5-6
Additional Information:
You can find identification reference data for the PMN-4 other mines in our published Basic Ammunition Identification Guide for Ukraine (both Ukrainian and English editions) hosted by Bulletpicker LLC.
All information contained within is based on the best information known to be available at the time of publication and is meant to educate and assist Explosive Ordnance Disposal Personnel but does not supersede sound judgement and decision making while in the field. All explosive ordnance operations and procedures must be conducted by trained professionals within the scope of standard operating procedures designated to the EOD operators by their respective unit or command.